Okay I don’t have much time
at all to email, but I will try my best :)So, it
has been an amazing week! J We
started it off by having a Noche De Hogar (Family Home Evening) with a new investigator
family we found. When we planned it out with them, we didn’t expect that they
would be so serious about having the Noche De Hogar. But, I guess word has gone
around that I give cool light shows. When we arrived to their house we found
that they had invited all their family! Their grandparents, cousins, and all! This house was packed! I gave a light show as usual,
after which we shared the message of the restoration! They all loved it and we
were able to find a ton more investigators through this experience J. We will be trying to schedule
some baptism dates with them this week :).
Haha, my
birthday was great! Familia Arbaza invited us over for lunch. To my surprise
they had the whole house decorated for us! I got a little emotional seeing how
much this family loves us. They made ricissimo tortas (yummy cakes) for us!
Elder Bayles is completing a year on his mission, so the celebration was for
him as well!
Then they made me change my clothes, close my eyes, and walk
outside... Then they all started throwing eggs and flower and herbs at me!!!!!
I was all like WHAT THE HECK????!?! Then things escalated and the family
started throwing water around and they started throwing everyone including the
grandma in the pool! Except us, as we are missionaries! But they still managed
to completely soak Elder Bayles with water, hahaha!
But, wow,
what a week! On Sunday we went to go pick up two of our investigators for
church! Their mother was all ready as well, but she was saddened to find out that
she had to stay back and watch the house... But both of her sons loved church!
We actually brought one of them along to a baptism of the other Elders. It
turned out that our mission president and his assistants were there. So, our
investigator met our mission president and they talked for while. Our president
was surprised to see how much our investigator knew about the Church J. After the baptism, our investigator shared with us that he the
had loved it and had felt at peace. He also said he would like to serve a
mission! WHOO HOO! This was amazing and beautiful.
I hope
you all try to find opportunities to help one another. “Be Love!”
Mattias Malzl
This is the street where we live.